ABS/BV/LR Certificate R3/R4/R5 Mooring Chain For Sale

Item No.: 02323
Weitong Marine offers Offshore Mooring Anchor Chain in high quality with reasonable price and best service. If you are interested in the item, pls don't hesitate to contact us for more details.
ABS/BV/LR Certificate R3/R4/R5 Mooring Chain For Sale
Offshore mooring chain is widely used for oil drilling platforms and other offshore structures to fix the platforms and avoid movement. Due to the working environment is very harsh, the mooring chains should have high strength, good toughness, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance etc..
Weitong Marine offers a variety of Offshore Mooring Anchor Chains with diameter 34mm-162mm, and stud mooring chain and studless mooring chain.
Grade: R3, R3S, R4
Application: Offshore Structure, Oil Drilling Platform, Single Point Mooring Structure etc.
Offshore Mooring Anchor Chain Certificate: ABS, LR, BV, DNV, NK, GL, KR, NK, IRS,RS,CCS etc.
Offshore Mooring Anchor Chain Specification
Chain Diameter (MM) R3 R3S R4
Stud,Studless Tension Load Breaking Load Studless Tension Stud Tension Breaking Load Studless Tension Stud Tension Breaking Load
34 745 1065 831 859 1189 917 1031 1308
36 832 1189 928 960 1327 1024 1152 1461
38 923 1319 1030 1065 1473 1136 1278 1621
40 1019 1456 1136 1176 1626 1254 1411 1789
42 1119 1599 1248 1291 1786 1377 1549 1965
44 1223 1748 1364 1411 1952 1505 1693 2148
46 1331 1903 1485 1536 2124 1639 1843 2338
48 1444 2064 1610 1666 2304 1777 1999 2536
50 1560 2230 1740 1800 2490 1920 2160 2740
52 1681 2403 1875 1940 2683 2069 2327 2952
54 1806 2581 2014 2083 2882 2222 2500 3171
56 1934 2764 2157 2231 3086 2380 2677 3396
58 2066 2953 2304 2384 3297 2543 2860 3628
60 2202 3147 2456 2541 3514 2710 3049 3867
62 2342 3347 2612 2702 3737 2882 3242 4112
64 2485 3552 2771 2867 3966 3058 3440 4364
66 2632 3762 2935 3036 4200 3239 3644 4622
68 2782 3977 3103 3210 4440 3424 3852 4886
70 2936 4196 3274 3387 4686 3613 4065 5156
73 3173 4535 3539 3661 5064 3905 4393 5572
76 3417 4885 3812 3943 5454 4206 4731 6002
78 3584 5124 3998 4136 5721 4411 4963 6295
81 3841 5490 4284 4432 6130 4727 5318 6746
84 4104 5866 4578 4735 6550 5051 5682 7208
87 4374 6252 4879 5047 6981 5383 6056 7682
90 4651 6648 5187 5366 7423 5724 6439 8168
92 4838 6916 5397 5583 7723 5955 6699 8498
95 5125 7326 5717 5914 8180 6308 7096 9002
97 5320 7604 5934 6138 8491 6547 7366 9343
100 5616 8028 6264 6480 8964 6912 7776 9864
102 5817 8316 6489 6712 9285 7160 8055 10217
105 6123 8753 6830 7065 9774 7536 8478 10755
107 6330 9049 7061 7304 10104 7791 8765 11118
111 6751 9650 7530 7789 10775 8309 9347 11857
114 7072 10109 7888 8160 11288 8704 9792 12421
117 7398 10575 8251 8536 11808 9105 10243 12993
120 7728 11047 8620 8917 12335 9511 10700 13573
122 7951 11365 8868 9174 12690 9785 11008 13964
124 8175 11686 9118 9433 13048 10062 11319 14358
127 8515 12172 9498 9825 13591 10480 11790 14956
130 8859 12663 9881 10222 14140 10903 12266 15559
132 9090 12994 10139 10488 14509 11188 12586 15965
137 9674 13829 10791 11163 15442 11907 13395 16992
142 10268 14677 11452 11847 16389 12637 14217 18034
147 10869 15536 12123 12541 17348 13377 15049 19089
152 11476 16405 12800 13242 18318 14125 15890 20157
157 12090 17282 13485 13950 19297 14880 16740 21235
162 12708 18166 14175 14664 20284 15641 17596 22321
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